Thursday, May 24, 2012

GTD 2012 Day 19

I did wake up extra early and felt great.  It was still dark as I began pedaling.  Today was to be long (125 miles), but no longer than my longest day on my GTD 2008 Ride from Westcliffe, CO to         La Junta, CO so I wasn't too concerned.

What I didn't know was the obstacles that lay ahead of me.  As I mentioned; I began pedaling in the dark.  Was making good time then I encountered some road construction; this slowed me a bit.  At one point when I stopped to talk to Celeste a dog was threatening to jump a temporary construction barrier and come after me; I told Celeste I had to go.

The next obstacle came in the form of a navigational problem.  Instead of continuing on straight at one point I decided to turn; both ways would get me to where I needed to be.  The only problem was that the road I chose went from paved to hard packed dirt to even mud puddles for a bit.  I was riding out by Hunt Clubs and at one point I even had to stop, unload and lift everything over a gate.  It was beautiful where I was but it was slower going than the asphalt road.  I rode for over 10 miles before I was back to pavement.

The short way was to cross over the paved road, lift everything over another gate and proceed on another dirt road; I declined to do that so I had to take a longer route to get back on track.  When I got to the place where I needed to turn there was a BP station; I was so happy!  I cleaned up my bike some; it got quite muddy and dirty during my off road adventure.  I refueled on food and fluids for the long afternoon ahead; I needed to make up some time.

The ride from that point on was long and uneventful.  I did come across a Cider place that had different types of Cider and Deep Fried Peanuts; I took time to enjoy some of both and pick up some for Cam and Sarah.  I rode through a beautiful Scenic Wildlife Refuge on the way to the Huxford's house.  I also rode for a bit on Bob Miller Rd.; this was a bit emotional because of my dear friend and Ministry Hero Bob Miller who had departed this earth to be with Jesus before my trip began. 

Both the Refuge and the Road were good afternoon experiences before arriving at my destination.  I finally entered Huxford's neighborhood and worked my way to their house.  Cam was there to meet and it was still daylight!  It was great to have the long day behind me; now it was time for dinner at one of Cam's favorite Seafood Restaurants; it was awesome!  Sarah had a meeting so I wouldn't see her till after Cam introduced me to Low Country Boil; amazing!


On the way to the Restaurant Cam showed me the new additions to Savannah Christian Church; very cool to see what was needed at SCC to minister to, serve and equip the SCC faith family.  After dinner Sarah was home so we had good opportunity to visit before calling it a night.  Sarah even blessed me with some natural ointment that would relieve my knee pain; what a blessing!