Winona, MN to Lynxville, WI
I woke up to great weather but the forcast was for rain. The morning ride to LaCrosse, WI, was uneventful but I could see rain clouds off in the distance.
I found a McDonalds in LaCrosse so I enjoyed every a hot fudge Sundae for dessert. At McDonalds I usually order Chicken Snack Wraps or McChicken Sandwiches or the Dollar Menu Cheeseburgers. I don't worry too much about calories during a GTD Trip.
The rest of the afternoon I kept an eye on the rain clouds ahead. I made it to the Mississippi River Bend Campground Office and checked in. The Manager pointed me in the direction of my campsite, up the hill across the street.
What a hill it was! I found my spot and set up camp as though the rains would come, they did! Because I was well prepared with an extra tarp or two I stayed dry as did my gear.
The Manager told me I could use the porch and tv at the trailer two sites down from. Just before the rain started I went there to cook my dinner and watch some tv.
After dinner and tv I hustled to my tent and settled in. The rain put me to sleep and I slept well till lightening and thunder woke me up. I couldn't fall back asleep so I went back to watch more tv.
It didn't take long for me to get sleepy so I returned to my tent and slept till morning.
The morning was about breakfast, drying things as much as possible, packing up and setting out to Dubuque, Iowa!