Thursday, July 18, 2024

GTD '22 Extra Time


After stopping GTD '22 short in south Florida it was decided that I would set a date to go to Ft. Myers, FL to catch the Key West Express to Key West then ride back to Ft. Myers.  That Plan had to be changed after a hurricane ravaged Ft. Myers and shut down the Key West Express.

Plan B was to go to Florida City, FL and ride 2 days to Key West and then return to Florida City via the same Route.  I called my friend Rolando in Miami and shared my new Plan with him.  He was excited and wanted to ride half of Day 1 with me.  

After finishing all the planning and preparations I loaded up my Trek and set out for Florida City.  I decided to switch to my Trek for the 4 day ride.  I added a 15L seat pack to my Trek so I could carry all that I needed.

Though the drive was long I was excited to get to Florida City and excited to ride a Route I had never ridden.  After a good nights rest I got up early to go to SB to get some egg bites and an iced coffee.  Before leaving the hotel I met a group of guys who were riding to Key West as well.  The only difference is that they were going to do it all in one day.  They had a SAG vehicle that would follow them and transport them back after finishing.  

After SB I checked out of my room and waited in the hotel parking lot for Rolando, he was right on time!  After a travel prayer we set for Key Largo to meet up with CCH Gon4th Kelly for a late Breakfast.  It was so awesome to see her and catch up on life and family and faith.  It was cool that her work intersected with Rolando's work so they had fun talking shop a bit.

After saying goodbye to Kelly we set out for Robbies at Islamorada, that would be our lunch spot and where Rolando's wife would pick him up.  Before our stop though Rolando's son would meet up with us to shoot some drone footage while we were riding, it was so cool to see what he produced in such a short time. 

We had a great time at lunch, Robbies is a great place on the water.  After lunch Rolando and family set out for Miami and I set out for Marathon.  The ride to the hotel was great.  Some road, some trail, lots of water.  

I am looking forward to riding the Seven Mile Bridge tomorrow on the way to Key West.  Of course I will have to ride to the Southern Most Point of the US and check out Key West.