David made me a fruit smoothie and I enjoyed a little bit of the morning with he and Kim. We checked the Weather Channel and it looked like the bad weather was about to move beyond Wichita.
I started to load my saddle bags and trailer and small hail began to fall. David and Kim both let me know that I could stay as long as I needed. After the hail quit I could see the sun coming out and the rain quitting. It was time to go. We had prayer and I pedaled off.
The first city I would come to was Augusta, KS. Just before I got there though there was a loud BOOM. My rear tire finally blew out. I changed it and rode into Augusta. It was just before lunch so I decided to stop at McDonalds for an iced coffee and fish sandwich.
Before getting inside Brian asked me if I was getting good gas mileage. I said "great mileage!" He wanted to know all about the ride so I shared with him. Then he handed me some money for lunch. What a blessing! Once inside I met his wife and he shared with her where and why I was riding. She was excited because she is such a believer in Campus Ministry. After her purchase she handed me her change. Another blessing! I thanked them both as they left.
After lunch I made the turn south toward Arkansas City. It was a nice ride in the country with son rolling hills. It was warm so I stopped in Douglas for something cold to drink then in Winfield for some ice cream at DQ. By this time the blue sky had become cloudy. Several players from girl's softball teams were there grabbing lunch and wondering if rain would wash out the afternoon game.
I finished and decided to head to Arkansas City. I stopped at the store after the Welcome to Arkansas City sign. Again I got something cold to drink and began to hunt a Campground. As I struck out on a place to camp I checked on churches. I went to the Bible Christian Church web site and found a link to the Prairie View Christian Camp.
I talked with Nancy and she said come on. The camp was located out in the country southeast of town. After leaving the main road I was on country roads the rest of the way. With country roads come dogs. I was chased several times. Not happy. I was happy to finally see the cemetery, that was my stopping point because the final road to camp is dirt and gravel.
Jonathan Nash came and picked me up. He had a trailer hooked up to the camp Bronco. We loaded everything up and headed to camp. What a great camp! They have 100 beautiful acres and lots of great buildings along with a pool, sand volleyball court, climbing wall, horses....
I met Randy Nash and his twin boys Paul and Matthew. Randy told Jonathan where I would be staying so he took me to the Rock Lodge and helped me unload. I had a great room and shower. There was also a refrigerator in the common area so I put my water bottles in to chill. Randy invited me to dinner in an hour so I called Celeste and my mom to give them an update then got cleaned up for dinner.
Nancy made fajitas and they were awesome. They have a full, fun house. There is Randy, Nancy, James, Jonathan, Jonathan's girlfriend Ashley, Paul and Matthew. It was a great meal and family time. I was able to get a photo before everyone dispersed. There was still some camp work to finish before High School Camp began the next day.
We talked about the morning plans. I would go to church with them and head out after lunch. I said goodnight and went back to my room to read a bit before going to sleep.
Tomorrow will be see how it goes day since I will be getting a later start after church and lunch.
As always, prayers appreciated!
bob g
STATS Mileage Today 66, Pace 13, Riding Time 5:15
Total GTD cmulative miles: 1,735